About the Kent Guild of Spinners, Dyers and Weavers
The Kent Guild of Spinners Dyers and Weavers was formed in 1949, to preserve and promote the crafts of spinning weaving and dyeing. We are a friendly group who enjoy learning new skills and sharing the knowledge we have gained.
Members enjoy a varied programme of speakers and workshops.
We meet on the last Saturday of the Month at Challock Village Hall, Blind Lane, Challock, Kent, TN25 4AU.
There is no meeting in December.
Meetings start at 11:00am and finish at 3:00pm with a break for lunch from 12:30pm -1:30pm.
Our members practice a wide variety of fibre related crafts, Weaving on floor looms, table looms, tapestry and inkle looms, spinning on wheels and drop spindles, dyeing a wide variety of fibres with both natural dyes and commercial dyes.
Wet felting and fulling fibres to make fabrics, hats, slippers and garments, we knit and crochet with the fibres we create.
We are always pleased to share our skills with others and help beginners get started.
Please contact us for more details or come along to one of our monthly meetings .
Further Information
The current subscription is £32 a year. For that you can attend meetings, borrow books from the library, hire Guild equipment, join in with workshops, receive a Newsletter and monthly updates of information, and, best of all, meet like minded people.
The Kent Guild is affiliated to the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. As a member of an affiliated guild you would be eligible to apply to attend their biennial summer school, and biennial conference. You would also be eligible to put work forward for selection for their biennial national exhibition. The AGWSD publishes a quarterly magazine, The Journal. This can be purchased directly from the The Journal organisers, or through the Kent Guild on payment of an annual subscription.
Kent Guild of Spinners, Dyers and Weavers
Challock Village Hall, Blind Lane, Challock, Ashford, Kent
For further information contact
Kent Guild of Spinners, Dyers and Weavers
Meetings start at 11:00am and finish at 3:00pm
with a break for lunch from 12:30pm -1:30pm
Programme 2024
December no meeting
Programme 2025
Saturday 25th January
am: spin, weave, chat 11.30 – 12.30 Weaving Group meeting
pm: Show and tell
Saturday 22nd February
am: spin, weave, chat 11.30 – 12.30 Spinning Group meeting
pm: Erika Just talk, Ikat - A global experience which includes samples from around the world. Free talk with sample display and explanations.
Saturday 29th March
am: AGM
pm: AGWSD Chair Janet Crowther talk - AGWSD organisation and the educational opportunities for members of affiliated guilds. To include information about the AGWSD certificates and bursaries.
Saturday 27th April
am: spin, weave,chat 11.30 – 12.30 Weaving Group meeting
pm: Wenyan Huang talk, Brief introduction to the Miao ethnic group in China, their migration and the cultural meaning of embroidery and Batik patterns.
Saturday 31st May
all day: Mini workshops x3
Dorset buttons with a twist – Anne Thomson
Weaving with Wensleydale – Corrine Milan
Gel printing (pm only) – Carol Allison
Saturday 28th June
am: spin, weave, chat 11.30 – 12.30 Spinning Group meeting
pm: Brigitte Kaltenbaker talk, Nettles still have the edge, Illustrates nettle's history and future as a highly sustainable fibre source for sustainable textiles
Saturday 26th July
all day: Guild Open Day, visitors welcome
Saturday 30th August
all day: Spinning Bee, indoors/outdoors depending on weather
Saturday 27th September
am: spin, weave, chat
pm: Jennifer Hughes talk - Stitched Double: Quilting, Patchwork & Reverse Appliqué around the world
Saturday 25th October Vic Edwards Day
all day: Jude Kingshott, Indigo dyeing workshop
all day: Sue Nash, Luxury fibres spinning workshop
Saturday 29th November
am: spin, weave, chat
Contribution lunch
pm: Fashion Show, member's work
December no meeting